Providing continuous support
In line with its brand philosophy, DRUTEX is currently involved in CSR projects on the local, national and international markets. Working intensively with our communities, DRUTEX undertakes numerous sponsorship activities in support of Polish sports and science while also participating in numerous charity campaigns.
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Our participation
- ORLEN OIL MOTOR LUBLIN - sponsor of the speedway club in 2023-2024.
- TOUR DE POLOGNE 2020-2024 – sponsorship of the biggest cycling event in Poland classified as a part of UCI World Tour.
- TOUR DE POLOGNE WOMAN 2024 - Sponsoring the first edition of the race TdP for women.
- THE CYCLING RACE OF NATIONS 2020-2024 – sponsorship of cycling race.
- TRADITIONAL KARATE OPEN POMERANIA CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 – sponsorship of competition for athletes in various age groups.
- THE EUROPE CUP IN MINI SPEEDWAY – sponsorship of speedway competition for children aged 12-14 from Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Germany, Great Britain and the Czech Republic.
- SUMMER DRIVE-IN CINEMA WITH DRUTEX – sponsorship of the holiday series of open-air film shows in Bytów.
- THE PINK RIBBON WALK – sponsorship of preventive campaigns regarding i.a. breast cancer.
- THE ‘OPEN BYTÓW’ TRAVEL FESTIVAL – sponsorship of Multicultural Travel Days – Open Bytów, held at the Bytów castle.
- THE WORLD REUNION OF KASHUBIANS – sponsorship of the biggest cultural event organized annually in various towns in the Kaszuby region.
- BYTÓW DAYS – cyclical sponsorship of Bytów anniversary – a 3-day cultural event ‘Bytów Days’.
- GOOD MATCH– Helping to organise an annual charity football match between the police and the Drutex-Bytovia.
- X CHILDEN FANCY-DRESS BALL WITH KIWANS - sponsorship of a charity event organized by Kiwanis Foundation.
- FLEA MARKET IN SŁUPSK – Annual sponsorship of a charity event organized by Kiwanis.
- FOCUS ON FAMILY – Sponsorship of a ‘FOCUS ON FAMILY’ festival in Bytów.
- THE GOCC - Annual support for the Finals of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
- NIEMEN NON STOP – Financial support for „NIEMEN NON STOP” a young talent festival.
- THE GREAT TVN MATCH – Sponsorship of charity matches organized by ‘You Are Not Alone’ the TVN foundation.
- FILIPIADA – Regular support for FILIPIADA organized by „Nazareth” association.
- MOTORCYCLE PICNIC IN BYTÓW – Annual sponsorship for Motorcycle Picnics in Bytów.
- EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES - DARIUSZ MICHALCZEWSKI – funding events i.a. for Santa Claus and Children’s Day organized by ‘Equal Opportunities’ Foundation by Dariusz Michalczewski.
- SUMMER KUBA CUP – Helping to organise an annual sporting event for children's football teams, held in Opole by the Jakub Błaszczykowski “Ludzki Gest” Foundation.
- CHRISTMAS GAME WITH KUBA – Sponsoring a charity football tournament with soccer stars from the Polish team and stars of the stage, organised by the Jakub Błaszczykowski “Ludzki Gest” Foundation.
- IT’S GOOD TO HELP – Helping to organise a charity family picnic at Bytów Castle.
- CHILDREN’S CYCLE RACE – Regularly sponsoring a sporting event for young children, organised by “Głos Pomorza” (The Voice of Pomerania) in Słupsk.
- TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH – co-organizing a preventative campaign in the Bytów castle, consisting of i.a. free tests and consultations for inhabitants regarding: oncology, cardiology, audiology, phoniatrics, as well as radiology and dermatology.
- KNIGHTS’ TOURNAMENT IN THE BYTÓW CASTLE – annual sponsorship of a knights’ tournament with staging of a medieval battle in the Bytów castle.
STUDZIENICE DAYS and TUCHOMIE DAYS – annual support in organizing the biggest outdoor events in Studzienice and Tuchomie municipalities.
- The BytOFFsky Festival – annual support in organizing the biggest theatre and music festival in Bytów.
THE KAZIMIERZ ŻYWICKI POMERANIAN CONTEST OF HUNTING SYGNALS AND MUSIC at the Bytów castle – cyclical sponsorship of the biggest hunting music contest in the region.
- “Gierszewski Family Foundation” - Close cooperation with the foundation. For more information, visit
- "Hope" - financial support for "Hope" Foundation for Children with Disabilities in Słupsk.
- „AMAZON” – financial support for ‘Amazon’ the Słupsk Association.
- "EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES " – Support for ‘Equal Chances’ the Dariusz Michalczewski Foundation by i.a. founding annual grants for players, organizing the Equal Opportunities Santa Claus Tournament, organizing charity actions and events, e.g. for those in need and disabled children and teenagers.
- "YOU ARE NOT ALONE" - Sponsorship of a charity match Politicians vs TVN Stars organized by TVN Foundation ‘You Are Not Alone’ – in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
- "KIWANIS" – Regular support for Kiwanis foundation regarding events, trips for disabled children and teenagers, charity and social actions, buying rehabilitation equipment etc.
- "WE ARE" - Buying rehabilitation equipment for beneficiaries of ‘We Are’ association.
- "DIFFERENTLY CAPABLE" – Support for the ‘Differently Capable’ Foundation at the Assisted Living in Kościerzyna.
- "NAZARETH" – Regular support for ‘Nazareth’ association in Bytów regarding i.a. help for those in need including disabled children and teenagers, organizing annual run pilgrimage to Jasna Góra, bike pilgrimage, motorcycle picnics, holiday for children from poor families etc.
- "BYTOW WATRA" – annual support for ‘Bytów Watra’ organized by Association of People of Ukrainian Origin in Bytów.
- "VFB" – regular support for Voluntary Fire Brigades regarding donations and material asistance.
- INTER MILAN - the official partner of one of the best football clubs in the world.
- TOUR DE POLOGNE WOMAN 2024- sponsorship of the first edition of the race for TdP for women.
TOUR DE POLOGNE 2020-2024- sponsorship of the largest cycling event in Poland included in the UCI World Tour.
KOLARSKI CHAMPIONSHIP OF NATIONS 2020-2024- sponsorship of the cycling race. - CROSS FESTIVAL – annual support for a series of cross-country events in the Bytów county
- XXV Independence Run - sponsorship of cross-country competition in Borzytuchom
- XXXII the Rodło Run – sponsorship of a cross-country competition in Gostkowo.
- GOLDEN BOY TROPHY - sponsorship of the speedway competition for the Zenon Plech Cup.
- "GOCH" Runner’s Club in Bytów – support for initiatives undertaken by the biggest organization bringing together runners in Bytów.
- The Bytów Cycling Marathon – annual sponsorship of the MTB Bytów Cycling Marathon event held in Bytów and Mądrzechowo.
- FOOTBALL – between 2003 and 2018 Drutex was the sponsor of DRUTEX-BYTOVIA Bytów football club. At the time, the club has been promoted from V to I league (the doorstep to first League).
- PLEBISCITE FOR THE BEST SPORTSMEN AND TRAINERS IN THE REGION – cyclical patronage of the plebiscite organized by the "Głos Pomorza" newspaper aiming at selecting the best sportsmen and trainers in the region.
- The AMBER CUP - A FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT IN ERGO ARENA IN GDAŃSK - the annual sponsorship of the biggest indoor soccer tournament in Poland.
- MARTIAL ARTS – support for Husaria Drutex martial arts club and World Champion in K1 and Europe Champion in muay thai- Paweł Michalak.
- BYTÓW KARATE CLUB – sponsoring the trip of Bytów Karate Club to the Championship and World Cup in Canada.
- FOOTBALL - Financial support for ‘Mini-Champions League’ organized for 36 schools by primary school no. 2 in Bytów.
- ATHLETICS - Financial support for Independence Run in Borzytuchom.
- BOXING – support for the Dariusz Michalczewski Foundation ‘Equal Opportunities’ by providing five annual grants for players.
- KARATE – Support for karate clubs from Bytów, Tuchom and Biały Bór.
- SPEEDWAY – sponsorship of the "Zenon Plech zaprasza" speedway tournament in Gdańsk.
- RUN AND NORDIC WALKING FOR THE POLICE POVIAT COMMANDER CUP IN BYTÓW – annual sponsorship of a recreational and sports event in Płotowo organized by "Goch" the Runner’s Club in Bytów.
- CYCLING – sponsorship of the MLKS Baszta Bytów in preparing and participation in the Polish Cross-Country Cycling Championship.
DRUTEX is a member of numerous organizations that contribute to the development of window and door industry, business, job market, broadly defined economic development and entrepreneurship.
The biggest ones include:
- Business Centre Club
It is a prestigious Club of entrepreneurs and the biggest organization of individual employers in Poland. Members of BBC represent all types of business, international corporations, financial and insurance institutions, telecom companies, the biggest Polish producers, colleges and universities, publishing companies and renowned law firms.
- Polish – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Polish – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is not just a bilateral chamber with the highest number of member companies, but it is also one of the biggest foreign German Chambers of Commerce and Industry worldwide. It has been contributing to the development of Polish and German economic relations for twenty years.
- Wettbewerbszentrale
It is the biggest and most influential institution that is engaged in implementation of fair competition rules in Germany. It promotes the responsibility of business towards consumers.
- Polish Windows and Doors Association
PWaDA is the only and the biggest association of Polish producers, suppliers and distributors in woodwork industry. The association represents and cooperates with the most influential and the fastest-developing Polish brands. It promotes and supports Polish wood joinery sector.
- Gdańsk Business Club
GBC is an association of entrepreneurs, managers and intellectuals of the Coast. Its mission is to activate economy, to offer mutual support in business activities, as well as developing culture, education, healthcare as vital factors that enhance prosperity and development in the region.
- Pomeranian Employers
It brings together employers in the region, contributing to long-term dynamic economic development of the region. The organization aims at defending the interests of employers, representing them against the legislative and executive powers and against institutions that supervise and control enterprises.
- The Pomeranian Association of Road Carriers
It is one of the biggest nationwide industry organizations. The association closely cooperates with and represents the International Transport Bureau of the General Inspection of Road Transport, Association of International Road Carriers and the Car Transport Institute.
- MOTOR BIKE STUNT - sponsorship of employee Slawomir Kozykowski
- BLOOD COLLECTION - cyclic blood donation action on the premises of the plant
- HOSPITAL OF THE BYTOW DISTRICT - financial support for the Hospital of the Bytów County in the scope of extending the scope of medical services provided.
- COVID-19 - supplying personal protective equipment to hospital medical staff in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Bydgoszcz, Bytów, Miastko, Słupsk and Kościerzyn, among others.
- COVID- 2019 - donating over PLN 1 million to Pomeranian hospitals for renovation and equipping rooms dedicated to help patients with coronavirus.
- HELPING TOGETHER – the launch of a widespread charity action regarding fighting with Covid-19, that was joined by dozens of companies all over Poland. It gave aid to hospitals worth over 50 million PLN.
- SUPPORT FOR KP PSP (Fire Services) in Bytów – annual sponsorship of contest in fire protection knowledge for children and teenagers, as well as fire-fighting competition.
- DONATION OF WOODWORK: to the District Fire Brigade in Bytów, Specialist Hospital in Kościerzyna.
- STUDENT CONFERENCES AND OXFORD DEBATES – organizing, in cooperation with universities, student conferences and Oxford debates for students and PhD students of Building Faculties.
- SUPPORT FOR THE CITY HOSPITAL IN MIASTKO – financial aid and donating window woodwork for the Miastko hospital.
- Gdynia E(x)plory Week - sponsorship of the Science and Technology Festival in Gdynia.
- BalCon - sponsorship of a scientific conference regarding construction organized by the Gdansk University of Technology.
- A SMILE FOR THE WORLD – taking part in ‘A smile for the world’ charity action.
- BUDMIKA – Sponsorship of the „BUDMIKA” national student conference at the Poznań University of Technology.
- THE PATRON OF POLISH ARCHITECTURE – support for the national competition for architects – DRUTEX, the patron of Polish architecture.
- BARGEWORK – Sponsorship of a competition for architects „Bargework – office on water”.
- THE MIND ODYSSEY – annual subsidy for the participation of the Polish representation in the world finals of the Mind Odyssey in the USA.
- The Independent Public Voivodship Hospital in Słupsk,
- District Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Bytów,
- Municipal Library in Bytów,
- Public School Group no. 1 in Kościerzyna,
- The Ward of Infectious Disease in the Voivodship Hospital in Słupsk,
- The District Governor Office in Słupsk,
- The District Employment Office in Bytów,
- Słupsk Industry and Trade Chamber in Słupsk,
- The Police District Department in Bytów,
- Gryf Słupski Shooting Club,
- The Noble Parcel’ foundation beneficiaries,
- Bytów District Hospital in Bytów,
- Woodwork Fitters Association in order to implement a training project for students of technical schools in Poland.
- to numerous families in difficult life situation. - SUPPORT FOR THE SOSW in Bytów – i.a. by offering financial aid for the Special Educational and Rearing Center in Bytów on naming it ‘Children of Europe’, and by donating awards for winners of contests held in the institution.
- HELP PFR HOSPITAL - Subsidy for the purchase of ambulance for the Independent Public Health Institution in Bytów.
- "KEYS TO EUROPE " VOYAGE - Financial support for ‘Keys to Europe’ voyage, commemorating Poland’s accession to the European Union, organized by the local government of Słupsk.
- SUPPORT FOR PSA IN SŁUPSK – Sponsorship for the Coast Defenders Polish Scouting Association in Słupsk.
- SUPPORT FOR ART EXHIBITION IN SŁUPSK - Support for ‘Polish Painting Masterpieces in the Lvov Art Gallery Collection’ exhibition, organized by the Museum of Central Pomerania in Słupsk.
- SUPPORT FOR 40-th ANNIVERSARY OF CEAS IN BYTÓW – Subsidy for the flag for the 40-th anniversary of the Complex of Economic and Agricultural Schools in Bytów.
- "FOCUS ON FAMILY" - „Sponsorship of the „FOCUS ON FAMILY” festival in Bytów.
- BALLET - Financial support for „Arabeska” the Słupsk Ballet Group, belonging to the Słupsk Culture Center.
- "FULFILL YOUR DREAM" COMPETITION- Running "FULFILL YOUR DREAM" competition and financing the award, a wheelchair for the winner.
- SUPPORT FOR FLOOD VICTIMS – participation in aid for flood victims in 2011.
- SUPPORT FOR A SCHOOL IN AFRICA- Buying a microscope for a school in Kibeho in Rwanda.
SUPPORT FOR LOCAL INITIATIVES in the region for inhabitants of small towns, especially children and teenagers (events, Christmas presents, trips, i.a. Sierzno, Gostkowo, Niedarzyno etc.).
- PRESENTS FOR CHILDREN – donating Christmas gifts for children from primary schools and kindergartens in the Bytów district.